Frequently Asked Questions about GMT pallets

Now the types of brick machine pallet are: GMT pallet, PVC pallet, plastic brick machine pallet, bamboo pallet, GMT pallet is the most popular at present. Here are some common questions about GMT pallets.砖机问题-2

1: What are the features of GMT pallet?


A: GMT pallets are low-temperature resistance, high-temperature resistance and good stability. The GMT pallets have these properties due to the fact that the fiberglass structure inside is similar to a reinforced concrete structure.

The table below shows the stability, maximum temperature and minimum temperature comparison difference of different brick machine pallets

Project GMT pallet PVC pallet Plastic pallet Bamboo pallet
High temperature 90 70 70 50
Low temperature -40 -10 -10 -40
Stability non-aging Easy to age Easy to age Easily deformed

2: What is the toughness of GMT pallet?

A: The toughness of GMT pallets is close to the toughness of PVC pallets under the same load. But the stiffness is much stronger compared to plastic pallet and bamboo pallets.

This is a comparison of the bending degree of different brick-machinpallet under the same load.

Project GMT pallet PVC pallet Plastic pallet Bamboo pallet
Degree of curvature 6mm 5mm 12mm 7mm

3: What is the stiffness of GMT pallet?

A: The rigidity of GMT pallet is very strong. Under the same impact strength, the GMT pallet does not break.

This is a comparison of the strength of different brick machine pallets under ultimate impact

Project GMT pallet PVC pallet Plastic pallet Bamboo pallet
Impact strength 20MJ/m² 7MJ/m² 5-12MJ/m² 20-25MJ/m²
Damage condition Hard to break Break easily Break easily Degumming and layering

4: What is the weight of the GMT pallet?

A: When a different brick machine pallet in 18mm thickness of the case of weight per square meter

Project GMT pallet PVC pallet Plastic pallet Bamboo pallet
Weight 21.5kg/m² 33kg/m² 23kg/m² 16.2kg/m²

5: Is the pallet liable to break in the vibration of the brick-making machine?

A: According to the experiment, the vibration of the brickmaker has no effect on the GMT pallet, and the pallet will not break when the GMT pallet is stuck.

This is the bending strength maintained by different brick machine pallets after half a year of use.

Project GMT pallet PVC pallet Plastic pallet Bamboo pallet
Bending strength retention 95% 91% 87% 78%


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Post time: Mar-03-2023